
MLM Trampas Para Los Nuevos Reclutas

                  MLM ramps For New Recruits

 If you are a new MLM recruits or has just recruited its first team member for your MLM business, what are the pitfalls you should be aware of?

Almost everyone who joins an MLM (or Network Marketing) does it with great intentions and are very enthusiastic, so why there is such a high dropout rate? Well, this is due to many factors and there will be different for each individual reasons as to why Network Marketing does not work for them. However, there are many common reasons that you as a new recruit or a new sponsor should consider.

Not a big enough Why?

In order to succeed in MLM, and in fact most things in life, you have to have a reason "why" you are doing what you are doing in the first place. Without a reason, why, then what's the point in starting something? If your why is big enough, then you will overcome any obstacles that get in your way and you will succeed. 

As a new MLM recruit your sponsor should have a chat with you in the very beginning of your business so that you can reduce your reason to join the business. As a sponsor should be the one to sit with their new recruit for this chat. Although there may be many people with similar "Why is" everyone is unique and will have its own particular slant on the "why".
It is important that your "why" is reduced to be very specific, it is not enough to simply say "That's why I want more money." You should know exactly how much money you want and whenever you want using. 
If you need the money to buy a bigger and better house than you need to think about why you want a bigger and better house, is to please his wife or partner? Is it to prove his doubters that he has "done"? Once you have narrowed down the exact reason why you want to succeed in your MLM business then you are much less likely to go out and have a much better chance of achieving their goals.


Even with a big enough reason why you are doing MLM you still can be stopped in its tracks by rejection. In most MLM businesses will be taught to build their business first approach your warm market - family and friends - but when some of these people say no to your product, service or business proposal that can seriously hit confidence and you feel your initial enthusiasm waning. 

There is no way around the fact that many of your friends and family will say no, that's just a fact of life and you should be ready. You should try not to take rejection personally, remember they are saying no to your proposal not you, who will remain your friend as long as you do not try for hours to try and get them to change their mind! You have to respect the wishes of the people and if they say no, thank them for their time and move on.

It is a scam

You will meet people when introduced in MLM will tell you it's a scam and you've got yourself involved in an "illegal pyramid scheme". Often people like this have no real idea of ​​what an illegal pyramid scheme, but are sure that is what you are doing. 
With this kind of people is often better to simply move on, they are "closed mind" and not listen to anything you or anyone else tries to tell them, they have made their mind and that's all. Do not try and argue with them or you just end up losing a friend. As a sponsor just tell your new recruit that happens in network marketing and should not take it personally.

I do not have time

Another common misconception is that the new recruits will say "I just can not find the time." If this happens, then you should go back to the "why", why you or your recruit joins the company? If the "why" is big enough, then people will find or make the time. I have met with successful people in network marketing of single mothers with seven jobs, doctors who work 70 hours a week, so anyone can find the time if you really want.

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  Because of all these reasons, and more than 20 years experience in business is that my main opportunity is
If I can be of any further assistance, please send me an email ...

Wishing Supreme Victory

Thierry MLM Team Worldwide ** **

"Helping others achieve success, wealth and abundance for future generations"

For additional information, see article in this issue, and also check out the resources available on my videos:
You are in business to make money and not get emotionally attached to any company or product or service in particular. Your chance to be recession-proof, built online, be global, and has the highest possible prospect base. So my main opportunity is

Follow the tips above, and at least have a basic start to your marketing program. To know what to do then look marketing articles and tips and Action Join our team

Thierry MLM Team Worldwide ** **

 Helping others achieve success, wealth and abundance for Next Generations

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